Friday, August 20

math riddles with answers

Let us learn math riddles with answers.

I have a tail.
I can fly.
I'm covered in colorful feathers.
I can whistle and I can talk.
I am a... Parrot.

1) Divide 110 into two parts so that one part will be 150% more than the other/
Solution: 44 and 66
2) A box of candies can be divided equally among 2, 3 and 7 people. What is the least number of candy bars the box could contain?
Solution:- Find the LCM of 2,3 and 7 . It is 2x3x7=42 the solutions is 42
3) Use these digits 1, 2,3,4,5, and 6 only once in the multiplication problem to get it correct,
?? X? = ???
Solution = 54 x 3 = 162
4) (2?3)?(6?2)?(3?1)= 5. What symbols will you use in the place of question mark?
Solution :-( 2x3) + (6/2) - (3+1) = 5
5) What is the number that is 5 more than the number which is 1/5th of 1/5th of 1/2 of 1,050?
Solution: - 26 (1,050 / 2= 525 /5 = 105 / 5 = 21 +5= 26)
6) Use every digit from o to 9 to fill up the missing numbers. 7xx times 4x = xxxxx
Solution; 715 x 46 = 32890
7) Fill in the missing number in the following series 101 99 102 98 103 97 .... ....
Solution: - 104 and 96

In our next blog we shall learn about organs on left side of body I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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