Showing posts with label convert fractions to decimals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label convert fractions to decimals. Show all posts

Monday, October 29

Converting Fractions to Decimals

To understand the concept of Changing Fractions to Decimals, we first should be aware of fractions and decimals. A fraction represents a part of something or a percentage of something. For example 50% of 1 is ½. Fractions always have a numerator and a denominator. For example: - In the fraction 3 / 4, three is the numerator and four is the denominator. There is a relationship between decimals and fractions. For example if we have 0.3 we can write it as 3/10.

How to Convert Fractions into Decimals – We can Convert Fractions to Decimals by following certain rules which are given below: -
1. Consider the fraction which you need to convert into decimals.
2. Divide the numerator by denominator using long division method.
3. The quotient you get is the decimal form of the fraction.

Fraction to Decimal Conversion is easiest when we have multiples of ten in the denominator because you can place your decimal depending on the number of zeros in the denominator. For example: - if we have 2/10, it can be written as 0.2, if we have 2/100, it can be written as 0.02 and 2/1000 can be written as 0.002. If you look at the trend, the place of decimal depends on the number of zeros in the denominator. Like if we have one zero, that is in first case then decimal will move one place left from 2. Similarly, if we have two zeros then decimal has moved two places left and for three zeros it has moved three places left.

We can always Change Fraction to Decimal by using long division method. For example: - if we have 1/20, we can divide 1 by 20. For dividing, we first see if 1 can be divided by 20, as it cannot be so we put a decimal in the quotient and put a zero with 1 which makes 1 as 10. Now we see if 10 can be divided by 20. We see that we still cannot, and then we add a zero in the quotient and with 10 too which makes 10 as 100. Now, we have 0.0 in quotient and 100 is to be divided by 20. We know see that 100 can be divided by 20 and gives 5 as the answer so we put 5 in the quotient which makes the quotient 0.05. Hence, the fraction 1/20 can be written as 0.05 in decimals.